Webinar 1: The Basics
In this webinar, I cover: 1) What is SALT; 2) SALT compared to SUGAR and CLAN; 3) Choosing the sampling context; 4) SALT conventions refresher: Utterance segmentation, bound morphemes, and mazes; 5) Coding for errors at word- and sentence-level.
For a copy of the slides please click on the link below. I have also uploaded a document outlining all the coding conventions for bound morphemes and contractions.

Webinar 2: Just Beyond the Basics
In this webinar, I cover: Overview of additional conventions: pausing, nonverbal turns, overlapping speech; Conventions summary: choosing wisely (and saving time); Analysing language samples – which measures to choose; Interpreting the results – and what to do next.
For a copy of the slides please click on the link below.

Webinar 3: Beyond the Basics
In this webinar, I cover: Comparing to a database, generating a Quick View, and setting goals for intervention. I also cover how to link transcripts for monitoring progress and how to insert 'special codes'
I have uploaded a chapter from our SALT Manual: Westerveld, M., Bysterveldt, A. v., DiVall-Rayan, J., & Miller, J. F. (2020). In J. F. Miller, K. Andriacchi, A. Nockerts, M. Westerveld, & G. Gillon (Eds.), Assessing Language Production using SALT Software. A Clinician's Guide to Language Sample Analysis. New Zealand - Australia version (3 ed., pp. 93-141). Middleton, WI: SALT Software.