Reading Rockets
This website is fantastic and highly recommended to anyone interested in evidence-based reading instruction. Highlights include: Free self-paced online course: Reading 101: A guide to teaching reading and writing; Professional Development webcasts; Video series on reading interventions; Book finder. The list goes on!!!
In their own words: "ReadingRockets.org provides free resources about teaching children to read and helping kids who struggle. You’ll find a hundreds of articles on teaching reading, classroom strategies, in-classroom video, parent tips in 11 languages, video interviews with top children’s book authors, a daily news service, and much more".
Website: https://www.readingrockets.org/

Book Share Time
A big thank you to Cecile, a Speech Pathologist from Western Australia, for this amazing resource! Just the website you need when looking for books that support speech and language development. There is a very handy search tool so you can find books that, for example, have a clear narrative structure, target specific speech sounds, and/or focus on a certain theme.

Read and Grow - free resources
The aim of the Read and Grow Program is to provide a fun, safe environment for families to explore and share books with their child. Interactive reading and activity sessions are designed for families to take part and learn about the enjoyment and development that can occur during positive story telling times. Visit the website for more information and free downloadable resources.

Free Phonics Wordlists
This website provides free access to 262 word lists that can be used with any phonics program.

The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS)
are a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of early literacy skills from kindergarten through sixth grade. The website provides a wealth of evidence-based assessment tools, intervention materials, and progress monitoring tools, as wel as free training webinars.

The Gillon Phonological Awareness Training programme
(5-7 year old children)
This programme was developed by Professor Gail Gillon, University of Canterbury. The website contains the programme itself as well as a wealth of printable resources. Information about the effectiveness of the programme has been published:
Gillon, G. (2000). The Efficacy of Phonological Awareness Intervention for Children with Spoken Language Impairment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 31, 126-141.

Language and Reading Research Consortium (LARRC)
This website provides an overview of the results from a 5-year longitudinal project investigating language and reading comprehension development in 4-8 year old children. As part of the project, the team developed "Let's Know" - a 25-week curriculum supplement for children attending pre-kindergarten to grade 3. The materials are freely available from the website.

The Macquarie Online Test Interface (MOTIf)
is an online platform for the administration and scoring of cognitive tests developed at Macquarie University. These tests can be administered online to one or more people and the results will be stored in a private and secure test page. Alternatively, you can download hardcopies of the test materials and administer the tests offline. Examples of tests are Letter sound tests, single word reading (nonword reading, regular word reading, irregular word reading), orthographic choice tests etc. Many of these tests have been normed on Australian students.

Parker Phonics
This website is owned by Stephen Parker. Stephen has generously made his books 'open access', including Reading Instruction and Phonics: Theory and Practice for Teachers. This accessible book provides a clear evidence-based overview on how to implement a synthetics phonics programme in the classroom, and contains a wealth of practical suggestions.