Westerveld & Gillon Language Sampling Protocol (2002)
The protocol covers 3 contexts: 1) Conversation, 2) Personal Narratives, 3) Story Retell (Ana Gets Lost)
The utility of this protocol has been reported on in several publications - see Publications button below.

Personal Narrative Photos
Here you can download the photos (and verbal prompts) that are used to elicit personal narratives (see W&G Protocol on this page). There are two versions: 1) Australian and 2) New Zealand. Please watch the instruction video on how to elicit the personal narratives.

Expository Discourse Retell Task: Curling (Moran, 2003)
There are two files: 1) instructions, 2) Curling pictures. These materials were used in the following publication:
Westerveld, M., & Moran, C. (2013). Spoken expository discourse of children and adolescents: Retelling versus generation. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 27(09), 720-734. doi: 10.3109/02699206.2013.802016

Persuasive Discourse Task
This task was used to develop a database of persuasive language samples from typically developing high-school students from the US and Australia (QLD), which has been integrated in to SALT-NZAU20. You can download the protocol, the planning sheet, and the Persuasive Scoring Scheme below or visit the SALT website (www.saltsoftware.com).
Our paper has been published (download full paper from the publications page).
- Heilmann, J., Malone, T. O., & Westerveld, M. F. (2020). Properties of spoken persuasive language samples from typically developing adolescents. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 51(2), 441-456. doi:doi:10.1044/2019_LSHSS-19-00078

Moral Dilemma Task (Wallis, Westerveld, Waters, & Snow, 2021)
This task was developed by Adele Wallis and investigates adolescent discourse in critical thinking. The task was used with 11 - 17-year-olds. Adolescents' responses were evaluated using a coding system based on Bloom's revised taxonomy of thinking.
You can download: 1) the published paper, including the assessment protocol and the coding system; and 2) the model stories.
Wallis, A. K., Westerveld, M. F., Waters, A. M., & Snow, P. C. (2021). Investigating Adolescent Discourse in Critical Thinking: Monologic Responses to Stories Containing a Moral Dilemma. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 52(2), 630-643.

NEW (October 2019) Personal Narrative Elicitation App
Here you can download an App to elicit personal narratives (as per the Westerveld & Gillon Language Sampling Protocol - Australian version).
Note: the App only works on a Windows PC or an Android Tablet. See download buttons below.
For Windows PC/Laptop:
- click the download button - this will direct you to a Dropbox folder
- Download the Zip file to your computer (to your downloads folder)
- Right click the zip file and select "extract all" - do not try and open it yet.
- Decide where you want to extract the file to - I would simply choose the downloads folder
- Once extracted, you will end up with a Test folder - if you open the folder you will find the 'Narrative.exe' file.
- Double click the .exe file. It is your decision whether you want to run the file or not.
- you may view the brief video below on how to use the App.
For Tablet. Download the APK file on your tablet. Go to the My Files application and install the App.