Language sampling

Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT) - website

Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT) is software that manages the process of eliciting, transcribing, and analyzing language samples. SALT-NZAU software is supplied by SALT Software LLC and customized for New Zealand and Australian customers. SALT-NZAU is a result of a long-term collaboration with Gail Gillon from the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, and Marleen Westerveld from Griffith University in Australia. The elicitation aids link directs you to a long list of language sampling protocols that are free to download.

Edmonton Narrative Norms Instrument (ENNI)

 The ENNI is an assessment tool for collecting language information from children aged 4 to 9 through storytelling.  Pictures that portray a story are presented to a child, who then tells the story to the examiner.  Picture sets were drawn for the ENNI by a professional cartoonist; they range from a simple story with 2 characters to a complex story with 4 characters.  Local normative information was collected from 377 children in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  

Schneider, P., Dubé, R. V., & Hayward, D. (2005). The Edmonton Narrative Norms Instrument.

Main - Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives

The MAIN  is an instrument for assessing fictional narrative skills in bi- or multilingual children (ages 3 to 10)

MAIN has been translated into more than 50 languages.  "MAIN allows for the assessment of comprehension and production of narratives in several languages in the same child and in different elicitation modes: Model Story, Retelling, and Telling. It can be used for evaluation, intervention, and research purposes". The website provides free access to the materials. Thank you :)


Narrative Language Measures - NLM

Screening and progress monitoring tools for language, reading, and decoding. These are free to download.  

SLAM - School-age Language Assessment Measures 

Have you ever used the School-age Language Assessment Measures (SLAM) to complete a language assessment? The SLAM resources are free and easily downloadable at the LEADERSproject website (link below). There are various developmentally appropriate stories for preschoolers, school-age children, and adolescents. Each story comes with language elicitation prompts to elicit language samples that can be analyzed using Guidelines for Analysis. The elicitation prompts have been translated into multiple languages! 
