For an up-to-date list of my publications, visit my Google Scholar Page. You can also request full-text publications via ResearchGate.
I have categorised my publications into:
Autism. In the last 5 years, I have led a program of research into literacy and autism. You will find an overview of my publications (with full-text links) on this page. For further details, please visit the projects page, where you will find an overview of the research, including demonstration videos.
Language sampling. Language Sample Analysis should be the cornerstone of the speech pathologist's assessment battery. Since 1999 I have been involved in describing typically developing children's spontaneous language skills across a variety of discourse contexts, including conversation, narration, expository, and persuasion. Some of these projects have resulted in the creation of databases to benchmark typical performance and use when describing the language skills of children with language disorders. On this page, you will find an overview of my publications (with full-text links) - for access to some of the language sampling protocols I created please visit the resources page.
DLD. Developmental Language Disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects 7% of the population (or 2 children in every classroom). On this page you will find copies of co-authored publications related to DLD (with full-text links).